It happens in 1929 in Chicago. In midwinter, two musicians witness a dispute between mobsters and are forced to leave the city. The only option left is to become Josephine and Daphne and travel to Miami with an orchestra formed only by women.
Sugar is the Broadway musical that premiered in 1972 and Billy Wilder participated in the script. It ran for two years with a total of 505 performances with Robert Morse, Tony Roberts and Elaine Joyce as the main actors. It has been performed in other locations of the United States and in 1992 it was released in the West End of London. In Spanish, it has been performed in Buenos Aires with Ricardo Darín and Arturo Puig. The play is set in Chicago during the period of the North American Prohibition. The musical is based on the film Some Like it Hot (1959). It is based on a novel written by Robert Thoeren and Michael Logan and directed by Billy Wilder, and it has a great cast with actors like Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon. It won three Oscars and three Golden Globes and is considered the best comedy film in history by the American Film Institute.
Release Date: 18/12/2015
Site: Teatre Gaudí de Barcelona
Title: Sugar, Ningú No És Perfecte
Direction: Pau Doz
Musical Direction: Bernat Hernández
Choreography: Laura Olivella
Costumes: Laia Cambrils
Set Design: Anna Gas
Il·lustració: Jordi Labanda
Design: Ivan Labanda
Production: Som-Hi Films
Ivan Labanda
Xavi Duch
Beàlia Guerra
Lluís Canet
Oriol Burés
Pep Cortés
Maria Santallússia
Dani Claramunt
Carles Sánchez
Hugo Riveros
Lluís Parera
Clara Gispert
Lorena García
Marta Borràs
Núria Torrentallé
Óscar Planells
Roberto Provenzano
Catalonia Critics’ Choice Awards 2015:
· Best Musical
Premis Butaca de Catalunya 2016:
4 Nominations:
· Best Musical
· Best Actor: Ivan Labanda
· Best Actor: Xavi Duch
· Best Actress: Beàlia Guerra
Premis Broadway World 2016:
· Best Poster Design
Premios Max:
· Nominated Best Musical