One of the best texts of European dramaturgy and one of our best actors. Tomas Bernhard is a monstrous words composer, an artist of exaggeration. L’Home de Teatre was born as a revenge against mediocrity and becomes a huge invention about theatre and megalomania. As Miguel Sáez said, if the first half of the 20th century was Kafkaesque, the second was Bernhardian.
Release Date: 31/03/2005
Site: Teatre Lliure de Barcelona
This show was on tour throughout Spain.
Title: L’Home de Teatre
Direcction: Xavier Albertí
Text: Thomas Bernhard
Set Design: Lluc Castells
Costumes: María Araujo
Lighting: Albert Faura
Sound: Roc Mateu
Production: Teatre Lliure, Homart
Lurdes Barba
Oriol Genís
Lluís Homar
Lina Lambert
Ivan Labanda
Judit Lucchetti
Sílvia Ricart
ADE Awards:
· Best Theatre Direction
Butaca Theatre and Cinema Awards of Catalonia:
· Nominated for Best Play