MAID: “In my country this is impossible. Even if they are far away or dead there is no day a father or a mother does not talk about their children, parents, dead, missing or exiled siblings or they do not think about them. Every day they talk or want to talk to them. The living and the dead. It is a need and a treasure.” (Sixth Scene)
Release Date: 22/11/2004
Site: Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
This show was on tour throughout Catalonia.
Title: Forasters
Direction: Sergi Belbel
Music: Albert Guinovart
Set Design and Costumes: Javier Artiñano
Lighting: Albert Faura
Hair and Makeup: Toni Santos
Production: Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
Patrícia Arredondo
Jordi Banacolocha
Andrés Herrera
Ivan Labanda
Anna Lizaran
Francesc Lucchetti
Albert Pérez
Jordi Martínez
Pau Poch
Sara Rosa
Butaca Theatre and Cinema Awards of Catalonia:
· Best Theatrical Text
· Best Main Actress
· Best Supporting Actor
· Best Set Design
· Best Lighting