Pol, Sara, Marc and Olivia are four characters who lie. All the time. Almost as much as real people. But the difference is that we can hear their thoughts. All of them. Even those who are so intimate and perverse that make us ashamed of ourselves. Jo sóc un altre! is a (very, very) crazy comedy about who we do not want to be but inevitably are. An urban comedy about characters who are full of insecurities even though they pretend to be winners.
Release Date: 14/03/2006
Site: Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
Title: Jo sóc un altre!
Direction: Tamzin Townsend
Text: Esteve Soler
Music: VV.AA.
Set Design anf Costumes: Pau Durán, Nina Pawlovsky
Producció: Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
Roger Casamajor
Elena Fortuny
Ivan Labanda
Anna Sahún