El Público


This Público (audience) is such an essential aspect of this avant-garde play by Lorca that it becomes its title. The author himself considered it unperformable because it was the mirror of the audience. In Público, the contrast between two types of theatre arises: on the one hand, the one which shows a real drama and in which the privacy of the author reigns. On the other hand, theatrical representation, preferred by part of the audience who prefer not to face truth on the stage. According to García Lorca’s words – a theatre under the sand and an open air theatre. In this position, Lorca composes his play as a critique of conventional theatre.
There is also a confrontation between truth and falsehood in theatre. Pirandello gets off the old “theatre inside the theatre”. Lorca will use this resource by introducing the action of the theatre under the sand in a conventional performance of theatre outdoors.


Release Date: 04/04/2002
Site: Institut del Teatre de Barcelona

Title: El Público
Direction: Jordi Prat i Coll
Text: Federico García Lorca
Music: Xavier Torras
Set Design and Costumes: Ricard Prat i Coll
Lighting: David Lloris
Production: Institut del Teatre de Barcelona


Xavier Ripoll
Pau Miró
Jordi Llordella
Andrés Moreno
Óscar Pino
Josep Muñoz
Andreu Banús
Francesc Torrent
Jordi Sánchez
Monste Morillo
Fiona Rycorft
Belén Fabra
Marc Rodríguez
Oriol Vila
Ricard Gutiérrez
Diego Molero
Ivan Labanda
Glòria Cano

Jacob Torres
Amanda Díaz
Isaac Alcayde
Pau Gómez
Jordi Arqués
Marc García
Nel·lo Nebot
Jordi Vidal
Pau Sastre
Àngel Llàcer
Josep María Domènech
Munsta Alcañiz

Xavier Torras (piano)
Ruben Berenjena (batery)

Gaudí, el musical de Barcelona
Molt Soroll x Shakespeare