We are at a party. People talk. People drink. People dance. People talk about a new club. People talk about their love lives. Their break-ups. Their daily lives. Their memories. Their dreams. About social order. Everything is reasonably normal. Or as normal as any party can be. However, we can laugh at the stupidity of that normality. Even at some comments that exceed what’s grotesque or the innocent tenderness of some others. Everything is reasonably normal. Reasonably despot. Theatrically poetic. Everything except something happening outside. Meanwhile (oh, meanwhile!) something serious related to “land” is going out.
Release Date: 03/10/2009
Site: Teatre Casino de Girona
This show was on tour throughout Spain.
Title: La Festa
Playwright and Director: Jordi Prat i Coll
Text: Jordi Prat i Coll
Music: VV.AA.
Choreography: Montse Colomé
Set Design and Costumes: Ricard Prat i Coll
Lighting: David Bofarull
Sound Space: Damien Bazin
Production: La Caldera
Festivals: Festival Temporada Alta
Rosa Boladeras
Roger Coma
Ivan Labanda
Muntsa Alcañiz
Carles Sales
Jordi Llordella
Marta Domingo
Glòria Cano
Mireia Piferrer
Aina Clotet
Sara Espígul
Ivan Morales
Pau Gómez
Fiona Rycroft
Sònia Espinosa
Agnès Busquets
Jordi Vidal
Francesc Ferrer
Berta Giraut
Mireia Rodríguez
Xantal Gabarró
José Pedro García
Pep Muñoz
Meritxell Yanes
Joan Codina
Marc García Coté
Marc Pociello
Monste Colomé
Màrcia Cisteró
Àlex Mañas