Josep Solé (Kubala), Carles Moreno (Charly) and Helena Manchón are private detectives. Because this is a series about detectives, not football, as the title might indicate.
Nevertheless, Kubala and Charly know that life is like football and vice versa, because both can win without deserving it and lose when they deserved to win.
In life, happiness is as scarce as on the field.
And when everything goes wrong and life wants to hammer you, it’s best to defend from misfortunes yourself inside your area.
Release Date: 09/01/2012
Channel: Televisió de Catalunya
Title: Kubala, Moreno i Manchón
Direction: Kiko Ruíz
Seasons: 3 (2012 – 2014)
Production: Diagonal TV, Televisió de Catalunya
Links of interest:
Canal KMM – TV3
Jordi Martínez
Marc Cartes
Núria Gago
Ivan Labanda
(among others)